How EEx Turns Your Template Into HTML

April 11, 2022 • 14 minute read • @mitchhanbergAnalytics

EEx is a templating language and module built into the Elixir standard library, often used by web servers to render dynamic content for a web application. The same concept exists in other language ecosystems, ERB for Ruby, Blade for Laravel/PHP, Pug/Jade for JavaScript.

A couple features of EEx that make it stand out are:

  • Templates can be compiled into functions ahead of time, avoiding needing to read from the file system at runtime.
  • EEx has the concept of an "Engine" allowing you to compile an existing template into something different than what the builtin engine, EEx.SmartEngine, does. This is what Phoenix LiveView does.

Recently, José Valim tweeted me some advice on how to use the EEx Engine in my library Temple (an alternative HTML library, that uses an Elixir DSL). At first I was very confused at José's suggestion; I don't want to write EEx at all! I want Temple to go from DSL straight to iolist or %LiveView.Rendered{} structs.

Luckily, my coworker Marlus Saraiva messaged me and gave a bit more context on José's suggestion, and suddenly it all clicked!. (Hopefully at the end of this post, you'll understand how José's suggestion makes perfect sense and was extremely clear.)

This conversation led me to ask myself, how does EEx work anyway? I decided to source dive EEx, LiveView, Surface, and HEEx and will share with you what I learned!

The Source Code

Technically EEx is just a templating syntax that can handle any plaintext format. It doesn't matter if its HTML, JavaScript, or even Elixir (this is how the Phoenix generators work).

EEx templates allow you to execute arbitrary Elixir code inside of special tags and inject the runtime result into the return value. You can use single expressions or even expressions that take blocks. The EEx.SmartEngine also allows you to ergonomically access data passed to the template with the @ syntax.

<!-- single line expression -->
<span><%= %></span>

<!-- block expression -->
  <%= for user <- @users do %>
    <li><%= %></li>
  <% end %>

The Compiler

The public API for compiling an EEx file or string consists of the EEx.compile_file/2 and EEx.compile_string/2 functions. Internally, they will call into the EEx.Compiler module.

The EEx.Compiler module is where the coordination happens when compiling our source code. You can find the source code here.

This module's compile/2 function is responsible for calling the tokenizer, traversing them, and passing them to the appropriate callbacks on the engine. By default, EEx uses the builtin EEx.SmartEngine.

Essentially there are two steps:

  1. Turn the source into tokens.
  2. Turn the tokens into Elixir AST by passing them to the relevant callback on the given EEx.Engine.

The Tokenizer

The first thing that the compiler will do is tokenize the content. You can find the source code here.

This translates the source code into a list of Elixir terms that describe the tokens found in the document. The above example will be tokenized into the following.

   {:text, 0, 0, '<!-- single line expression -->\n<span>'},
   {:expr, 1, 7, '=', ' '},
   {:text, 1, 24, '</span>\n\n<!-- block expression -->\n<ul>\n'},
   {:start_expr, 5, 3, '=', ' for user <- @users do '},
   {:text, 5, 31, '\n    <li>'},
   {:expr, 6, 9, '=', ' '},
   {:text, 6, 25, '</li>\n'},
   {:end_expr, 7, 3, [], ' end '},
   {:text, 7, 12, '\n</ul>\n'},
   {:eof, 9, 1}

The list of tokens are fairly self explanatory. We can see :text tokens for static ranges of plain text, :expr tokens for single line expressions, and :start_expr/:end_expr tokens for the multi-line do/end block expression.

The tokens also include some row/column metadata, which is helpful later on for attributing error messages to the origin point in the source code.

Now that we have the tokens, we need to traverse over them and pass them into the engine.

The Engine

The engine is where the magic happens! It's responsible for building the tokens into usable Elixir AST, which can then be injected into a function.

An EEx.Engine has the following callbacks that it must implement and that your compiler must call appropriately. I'll copy/paste some of the callback documentation here, copyright belonging to the elixir-lang/elixir project.

@doc """
Called at the beginning of every template.
It must return the initial state.
@callback init(opts :: keyword) :: state

@doc """
Called at the end of every template.
It must return Elixir's quoted expressions for the template.
@callback handle_body(state) :: Macro.t()

@doc """
Called for the text/static parts of a template.
It must return the updated state.
@callback handle_text(state, [line: pos_integer, column: pos_integer], text :: String.t()) ::

@doc """
Called for the dynamic/code parts of a template.
The marker is what follows exactly after `<%`. For example,
`<% foo %>` has an empty marker, but `<%= foo %>` has `"="`
as marker. The allowed markers so far are:
  * `""`
  * `"="`
  * `"/"`
  * `"|"`
Markers `"/"` and `"|"` are only for use in custom EEx engines
and are not implemented by default. Using them without an
appropriate implementation raises `EEx.SyntaxError`.
It must return the updated state.
@callback handle_expr(state, marker :: String.t(), expr :: Macro.t()) :: state

@doc """
Invoked at the beginning of every nesting.
It must return a new state that is used only inside the nesting.
Once the nesting terminates, the current `state` is resumed.
@callback handle_begin(state) :: state

@doc """
Invokes at the end of a nesting.
It must return Elixir's quoted expressions for the nesting.
@callback handle_end(state) :: Macro.t()

The compiler will start by calling the c:init callback to initialize the engine's state. It will pass this state to the various other callbacks as required. The state is an implementation detail to the Engine but will usually collect the static and dynamic pieces of the template as it traverses the tokens.

Whenever the compiler encounters a "text" token, it will pass the state, the metadata, and the text to he c:handle_text/3 callback.

Whenever the compiler encounters an expression token, it will pass the state, the "marker", and the expression AST to the c:handle_expr/3 callback.

If the encountered expression is multi-line, it will call the c:handle_begin/3 callback. This creates a new "nesting" and will return a brand new state to be used to collect the output for the "nested" tokens.

When the compiler encounters an :eof token, it knows the template has finished and passes the state to c:handle_body, which returns the Elixir AST for the entire template.

I built an app that allows you to step through the compilation of a template as it traverses the tokens to help visualize what is happening and the output that is produced.

EEx Compiler Visualizer

You should check it out here.

Here is what the compiled output for the above example looks like.

The AST generated by the EEx.SmartEngine forms all dynamic parts of your template into variables, then at the end, creates a bitstring with the result.

arg0 = String.Chars.to_string(EEx.Engine.fetch_assign!(var!(assigns), :user).name)

arg1 =
    for user <- EEx.Engine.fetch_assign!(var!(assigns), :users) do
      arg1 = String.Chars.to_string(
      <<"\n    <li>", arg1::binary, "</li>\n  ">>

<<"<!-- single line expression -->\n<span>", arg0::binary,
  "</span>\n\n<!-- block expression -->\n<ul>\n  ", arg1::binary, "\n</ul>">>

Let's take a look at how the Phoenix.HTML.Engine compiles the same template.

We can observe some similarities: it has the same @ assigns functionality and it groups dynamic pieces into variables to coordinate later into the final result.

It also packs in some extra features!

  • It will escape dynamically rendered plaintext, so you won't accidentally get some JS injection.
  • It can pass data through the Phoenix.HTML.Safe protocol, allowing you to make custom representation of your Elixir data structures.
  • It builds the result into iodata instead of a bitstring.
arg0 =
  case Phoenix.HTML.Engine.fetch_assign!(var!(assigns), :user).name do
    {:safe, data} -> data
    bin when is_binary(bin) -> Phoenix.HTML.Engine.html_escape(bin)
    other -> Phoenix.HTML.Safe.to_iodata(other)

arg1 =
  case (for user <- Phoenix.HTML.Engine.fetch_assign!(var!(assigns), :users) do
          arg1 =
            case do
              {:safe, data} -> data
              bin when is_binary(bin) -> Phoenix.HTML.Engine.html_escape(bin)
              other -> Phoenix.HTML.Safe.to_iodata(other)

          {:safe, ["\n    <li>", arg1, "</li>\n  "]}
        end) do
    {:safe, data} -> data
    bin when is_binary(bin) -> Phoenix.HTML.Engine.html_escape(bin)
    other -> Phoenix.HTML.Safe.to_iodata(other)

   "<!-- single line expression -->\n<span>",
   "</span>\n\n<!-- block expression -->\n<ul>\n  ",

Let's also peek at the output of Phoenix.LiveView.Engine, as it will generate something fairly different than the previous two engines.

The LiveView engine will emit these %Rendered{} and %Comprehension{} structs that allow it to efficiently do its diff tracking.

require Phoenix.LiveView.Engine

  dynamic = fn track_changes? ->
    changed =
      case assigns do
        %{__changed__: changed} when track_changes? -> changed
        _ -> nil

      v0 =
        case Phoenix.LiveView.Engine.nested_changed_assign?(assigns, changed, :user, struct: :name) do
          true -> Phoenix.LiveView.Engine.live_to_iodata(
          false -> nil

      v2 =
        case Phoenix.LiveView.Engine.changed_assign?(changed, :users) do
          true ->
              static: ["\n    <li>", "</li>\n  "],
                for user <- assigns.users do
                  v1 = Phoenix.LiveView.Engine.live_to_iodata(
              fingerprint: 245_710_792_584_248_035_419_893_716_549_685_965_177

          false ->

    [v0, v2]

    static: [
      "<!-- single line expression -->\n<span>",
      "</span>\n\n<!-- block expression -->\n<ul>\n  ",
    dynamic: dynamic,
    fingerprint: 104_434_365_286_405_865_087_616_174_532_871_347_220,
    root: nil

How can this help Temple?

So far we've detailed how Elixir will compile an EEx template. The EEx.Tokenizer and EEx.Compiler are not public modules and are essentially an implementation detail.

Surface and HEEx are not EEx compatible, so attempting to compile them with EEx.compile_string/2 would raise a syntax error. So how do they work?

They both implement their own tokenizer and compiler but delegate to the engine! Temple can do the exact same thing.

The Engine is the public API that Temple can leverage to efficiently output Elixir AST for the various compile targets: Non-Phoenix web apps (for use in Plug, Aino, any non-Phoenix web framework), traditional Phoenix Apps, and Phoenix LiveView apps. This is the technique that José was explaining that HEEx and Surface use.

Here is a table comparing which parts of the "template to Elixir AST" lifestyle between the builtin EEx compiler, the Temple compiler (in a theoretical future when Temple leverages this technique), Surface, and HEEx. EEx and HEEx don't have their own AST, so the parser step is not applicable.

Step EEx Temple Surface HEEx
Tokenizer EEx.Tokenizer Kernel.SpecialForms.quote/2 Surface.Compiler.Tokenizer Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLTokenizer
Parser - Temple.Parser Surface.Compiler.Parser -
"Compiler" EEx.Compiler Temple.Renderer Surface.Compiler.EExEngine Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLEngine
Engine Chosen Engine Chosen Engine Phoenix.LiveView.Engine Chosen Engine

Prior to this revelation, I had planned on the monumental task of basically re-implementing the EEx.SmartEngine, Phoenix.HTML.Engine, and Phoenix.LiveView.Engine modules in Temple (probably with lots of bugs). Now that I understand how to utilize the existing engines properly, it should be a relatively small lift for Temple to be able to use all three of them!

🎉 Kudos to José and Marlus for the advice, I really appreciate it!

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